• 联系人:HR
  • 电   话:021-23275200
  • 邮   箱:hr.china@synthes.com
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    • 辛迪思(上海)医疗器械贸易有限公司
    • 所在地区:上海
    • 企业性质:私营.民营企业
    • 企业规模:-
    产品经理 (10-4)
    • 工作地点:北京
    • 招聘人数:1人
    • 薪资待遇:面议
    • 工作年限:八年以上
    • 学历要求:本科及以上
    • 性别要求:-
    Responsibilities: Development of market strategies and of sales material to promote strategies that adhere to regulatory guidelines and are of a maximum benefit to sales force. Positioning product range and managing the strategy to introduce products into marketplace effectively Managing development activities around identified product strategies. Provide in-depth market, industry and competitive analysis of product and ability to make this information relevant to sales force. Develop pricing strategies based on knowledge of pricing / reimbursement policies. Management of investment and allocation of consignment sets. Building relationships with key opinion leaders to support marketing planning activities. Maintain and increase market share, as well as forecast for the future. Training of the sales force/ customer service on how to use and how to sell the product. Represent the interests of the company and perform all duties in a professional and ethical manner. Requirements: Strong Technical understanding and clinical aptitude for the application of the specific products. At least 10 years of sales or marketing experiences in medical industry. Solid understanding of overall market analysis, planning, development and management. Excellent oral and written communication skills, combined with strong computer skills. Experiences of product training for sales or marketing staff is a plus.


    • 电子邮箱:点击查看
    • 企业地址:上海市卢湾区桃源路85号永银大厦
